Young People & Mental Health

Loren Kerns - Creative Commons Attribution (Flickr)

Mental health services available for young people in Co. Wexford.

Arnold House
Parnell Road
Co. Wexford

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS) is a specialist service for children and adolescents with serious emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties which is provided by the HSE.

CAMHS is a multi disciplinary team comprising psychiatrist, social worker, speech & language therapist, occupational therapist.

Wexford South Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
Arden House
Whitemill Industrial Estate
Co. Wexford
Y35 VK59

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS) is a specialist service for children and adolescents with serious emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties which is provided by the HSE.

CAMHS is a multi disciplinary team comprising psychiatrist, social worker, speech & language therapist, occupational therapist.

Comhar National Counselling Service
Lismore Park Primary Care Centre
223 Lismore Park
Co. Waterford
X91 VCP5

The HSE National Counselling Service is a professional, confidential counselling and psychotherapy service available free of charge in all regions of the HSE. The client group are adults who have experienced trauma and abuse in childhood with priority given to adult survivors of institutional abuse in Ireland.

CIPC Counselling Co-ordinator
Lismore Park Primary Care Centre
223 Lismore Park
Co. Waterford
X91 VCP5

This service is for people with mild to moderate psychological difficulties.  It is a short-term counselling service that provides up to 8 counselling sessions with a  professionally qualified and accredited Counsellor / Therapist.

St. Johns Hospital
Munster Hill
Co. Wexford

The HSE Substance Misuse Team operates under the Social Inclusion Department of the HSE. In Wexford the Team consists of a Co-ordinator, two Addiction Counsellors and one Liaison Nurse. This team offers counselling and detox services. Team members can also access residential services in the Aisling Centre for those requiring this service.

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