Gorey Youth Needs Group

Gorey Community Youth & Childcare Centre
Mary Ward Lane
St. Michaels Road
Co. Wexford

Facebook / Twitter www.facebook.com/pages/Gorey-Youth-Needs-Group/

Target Age Group

  1. Youth & Community Services : 0-25 years and parents.
  2. Little Daisies Community Childcare : 0-12 years
  3. Local Training Initiative : 17-34 years

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Youth & Community Services : services are provided for young people and their families who are considered to be at risk of social exclusion.
  2. Little Daisies : no eligibility criteria, however there is a government subvention available on the childcare fees for families who meet the appropriate criteria.
  3. Local Training Initiative : Early School Leavers, aged 17-34, on the Live Register.

Referrals The majority of the service users are self-referred or by a family member. GYNG do accept referrals from community and voluntary and statutory services.

Coordinator Mandi Tighe (Co-ordinator)

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 7.30am-6pm

Coverage Area